5 Signs You Need to Visit a Foot Surgeon

Our feet hold incredible value in our everyday lives. Our lower extremities support and maintain balance to get through our daily activities. The health of our feet often indicates underlying health concerns. Our board-certified foot and ankle surgeons specialize in thorough and compassionate care for all patients at Knight Foot and Ankle Specialists. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle via diet and regular exercise contributes to stronger feet and ankles and regular visits with your foot and ankle doctors. But how do you know when it is time to visit a foot surgeon? In this blog, our foot and ankle specialists will share 5 warning signs it is time to schedule an appointment with a foot surgeon.

Some Of the Most Common Foot Conditions

●      Bunions

●      Ingrown toenails

●      Plantar fasciitis

●      Achilles tendonitis

●      Flat feet

●      Heel spurs

●      Blisters/corns

●      Arthritis

●      Athletes foot

5 Signs You Need to Visit a Foot Surgeon

  1. Your podiatrist recommends you see a foot surgeon.

  2. You have been experiencing chronic foot and ankle pain.

  3. You are limping due to pain in your feet and ankles.

  4. You have suffered an injury or recent surgery in your feet or ankles.

  5. You experience unexplained feelings of tightness or numbness in your feet or ankles.

Foot Surgery Services We Offer in Our Offices

Some of the types of foot surgery we offer include:

●    Bunion Surgery- This process relieves pain from a bunion and assists in repositioning the joint(s).

●      Fusion Surgery- This is a process to treat arthritis or painful conditions of the foot and ankle.

●      Hammertoe Surgery- This process treats hammertoe deformities and assists in the realignment and fusion of joint(s).

●      Heel Spur Surgery- This process removes a heel spur from the body, relieves pain, and returns mobility to the foot and ankle. Note: A plantar fascia release may also be done simultaneously for further benefits.

●      Neuroma Surgery- This process removes a benign enlargement of the nerve and assists in relieving symptoms such as burning, numbness, or tingling.  

For more information on other services we offer in our offices, visit our website or click “other services.”

Office Locations

We currently offer foot and ankle services via our three office locations!

  1. Edmond Office - 4833 Integris Parkway, Suite 150, Edmond, OK, 73034

  2. Kingfisher Office - 1001 Hospital Circle, Kingfisher, OK, 73750

  3. Jones Office - 12950 East Britton Road, Suite 105, Jones, OK, 73049

Schedule An Appointment

To schedule an appointment at one of our offices, call (405)-513-0385, email us at info@knightfootandankle.com or visit our website to request an appointment, and one of our team members will contact you. 


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